And it's all clearly explained in a step-by-step approach with screen shots and videos. You simply cannot go wrong.
This is what others are saying about the free guide:
"I downloaded the free guide yesterday. Today, my blog is up and running. Excluding the wait for the hosting to be set up, it took me 38 minutes!"
"You guys are absolutely brill. I was just about to throw my computer out the window when I came across your free guide. I still have a long way to go but I now have my blog and I can now learn how to use it to my full advantage, cheers you're brill!!!"
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"It was my first try and the blog was up and running in no time! Thank You SO MUCH!!"
"Love the new guide. You go into great detail on some of those tricky points, especially around downloading and installing WordPress, and with plugins. Thanks again for the fantastic advice."
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If you want to discover:
- The 2-step process you need to choose a proven money-making niche...get it wrong and you'll never make any money
- The 3 golden rules of keyword analysis...get one rule wrong and ALL your future efforts are wasted.
- The exact step-by-step methods to find the best domain name for your blog ...99% of bloggers miss this crucial "Search Engine Optimization" step
- How to install WordPress in under 1 minute (as long as you choose the right hosting company)
- Step-by-step guides and images of each 'must-have' plugin you must install on your blog (plus all the tweaks necessary - it is not just a matter of installing)
- The 2 steps you need to take to get Google to index your blog...and don't believe all the hype...they take no more than 10 minutes to complete
- Don't be one of those blog owners whose blog is 'hacked...follow these 6 tasks that keep 99% of hackers at bay
- How to add pages, posts and images the right way, to pick up Google "link-juice" and without being penalised for duplicate content
- To launch your blog, what's the optimum number of blog posts you should have? The answer may surprise you.
- How to write blogs posts so that your visitors think "I like this person, they know what they are talking about. I wonder what else they have to say" ...and return time and time again
- How to write a good title for a blog post and why "Here are the top 20 tips for XXXX" is a no-no.
- The 5 quickest and easiest ways to start making a blog income...including the step-by-step approach
- How to split your working day into the 3 crucial elements of making money via blogging
- The 3 traits of a successful you have them?
Then grab the free guide by clicking here and welcome to the successful Internet Business Club:

Killer Income From Blogging!.. Awesome Free Guide
2/26/11, 12:10 PM
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