How to win SEO with 4 Ps strategy
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Being proactive is fundamental to being a good SEO for a couple of key reasons:
Latency Effect Between Work and Results
Any SEO work done today likely won’t affect traffic or revenue today. When it comes to SEO there is a latency effect as new changes to your website or your off-site profile (backlinks, social activities, etc.) get indexed by the search engines and filter into the SERPs.
How long the latency period is depends on the situation. If you put up a new targeted page on your site that gets indexed quickly, you could indeed start to see some new traffic from new keywords within a day. If you’ve made a lot of sweeping on-site and off-site changes to your website, it might take a month to see the results you’re looking for.
The idea here is that it will almost always take longer than you would like to get the results you want from the activities you’re doing today, no matter how hard and smart you work. Think and plan ahead. Make sure you factor in the long-term into your day-to-day activities.
- Actionable tip: Use a calendar to plan all SEO activities ahead. Compare this on an ongoing basis against results tracking to make sure your plan is consistent with your SEO gains. This may also help you see whether you have space for innovation within your tactics.
Stay Ahead of the Curve
The other key point here is to be proactive as opposed to reactive – do your best to keep yourself ahead of the curve. Time and time again I see knee-jerk reactions to changes in the SERPs, and that is the worst thing you can do because new changes are made to the search algorithms all the time.
Firstly, you should have seen the changes coming and changed your strategy months ago. Secondly, if it’s already too late, you’re just going to need to accept reality and adjust your strategy accordingly.
You might be able to get back to where you were before, but it won’t happen overnight – sorry. Engaging in a huge flurry of SEO activity immediately following an algorithm update, for example, has a good chance of doing you more harm than good.
- Actionable tip: Meet with your team regularly to discuss the trends and whether your strategies require adjustment. Where do you see the industry in two years? Five years? Make sure your strategies are in line with long-term trends and are built to last. That way you’ll be more likely to ride out the future Panda-type algorithm updates with no trouble and stay ahead of the curve.
SEO isn’t something you can spend a few weeks doing, and then sit back and watch the money roll in. In just about any given niche, several or even dozens of other individuals or groups are attempting to beat you.
In competitive niches, the competition is going to be doing something every single day to reach that goal. Unless you’re doing the same or better, you’ll simply fail.
You need to work every single day at something that contributes to your SEO success. That could be something as simple as publishing new content or developing your branding, but it should all be considered within the scope of your global SEO strategy.
- Actionable tip: Work harder than the others! The minute you stop working is the minute you stop winning, even if it takes a few months for it to become apparent.
No matter how strong your SEO strategy is, you don’t control the SERPs, the search engines do. What that means, fundamentally, is that you’re investing resources into something you have absolutely no control over. Yes, you can influence it (sometimes very heavily), but you can’t control it.
What that lack of control means is a high potential for volatility. Inevitably, you’re SEO campaign is going to have highs and lows. You might have huge successes, with money pouring into the coffers, followed by catastrophic losses that set you back months or even years (think of some of the Panda losers).
OK, those are extreme cases, but you need to be prepared to not always be winning, and to ride out the tough times. Those who persevere in SEO are those who eventually win.
- Actionable tip: Ensure that you are prepared for possible periods of no-growth or decline. Preparedness will help you understand the reasons behind the poor performance, which in turn will help you to respond faster and more effectively to get back on track.
This is maybe the toughest of all the Ps. No one is really patient, especially in business – everyone has bills to pay, executives to report to, investors to satisfy… considering that financial planning typically works on a quarterly basis, it can often be difficult to justify SEO spend in one quarter when results might happen the next quarter.
The fact about SEO is that results happen on their own timetable, and that’s just the way it is. Results sometimes come later than expected, particularly if you are taking a softer, lower-risk approach.
You really want results next month? Sure, go ahead and build 200 new backlinks this week with the exact same anchor text for the big-money keyword… and see what happens (hint: don’t do that).
Want to win in SEO? Create a solid foundation and gradually – patiently – build on it.
- Actionable tip: Take the evening off and smoke a cigar. You’ve got a lot of work to do tomorrow and if you’re smart about it, the eventual payoff might be big.
article source:
Keyword Research Tool Tips
Tuesday, September 27, 2011The following are tips on how you can tailor Google Keyword Tool’s data to your needs (much like you would with Google Analytics), and how you can apply this research beyond your SEO and PPC campaign to other marketing activities. We’ll also cover the limitations of this (and all) keyword research tool(s).
Google Keyword Research Tool Tips
1. Select Your Countries
Google will share search volume based on country (not sure if it’s calculated from, etc only or if they include searches performed outside of the US). So you can change the default US database to your territory. But if you sell to multiple countries from one website, or you target multiple countries from one AdWords campaign, you can select more than one country by doing a “Control + Click” or “Command + Click” – depending if you’re Mac or PC.
You can also simply select All Countries if you sell globally, anyway. Of course, there’s also multiple language selection – but I’m not sure why you’d want to select multiple languages at once.
2. Generate Keywords
There are a couple options for generating keywords – you can enter your own keywords, or use an existing URL. In the second option, Google will extract keywords off the page and generate related keywords.
Option 1: Keywords
Type in a few off the top of your head, or import an existing list from an AdGroup, for example.
In this case, if you’re a retailer selling “learning toys” – you could type in the obvious “learning toys,” “educational toys,” “baby toys,” “toddler toys,” “children’s toys.”
Choose to use synonyms or not. I’d use synonyms the first time, and if the results are irrelevant, go back and uncheck the box, and redo the search.
You can also apply negative keywords, for example you sell parachutes, you should exclude “coldplay” and “what color is your.”
Then, click “Get keyword ideas.”
Option 2: URL
Here’s a trick – don’t use your own URL. If you sell “learning toys” – choose the top search result for “learning toys” in Google and let Google extract related keywords off that page.
You can also toggle between your 2 options without losing your keyword list or URL input, just click “Get keyword ideas” again to re-run the search. When you’re doing heavy-duty keyword research, sometimes you need to look beyond what you have brainstormed – so leverage your competitors. Just be sure to ignore keywords that are not relevant to your site.
3. Set your match type to “Exact.”
When looking at data, if you choose broad or phrase match, you’ll end up with inflated keyword counts because it will include longer queries that include your keywords. For example, “learning toys” would include searches for “learning to make wooden toys” with broad match, or “used learning toys” with phrase match. Exact match will show you the true keyword count.
Unless you’re using the tool to work on your AdWords campaign (building AdGroups or looking at advertiser competition or estimated bid prices for broad and phrase match), then you don’t need to see broad and phrase match stats.
4. Add or Remove Columns
By default, you can’t all the data available. Simply click “Show All” to see everything, and remove the columns you don’t need, like Average Position or CPC if you’re not doing AdWords. (Some AdWords advertisers don’t trust the estimates anyway).
Removing columns not only simplifies what you’re looking at, but helps you export only the data you need to text, .CSV or with the Table Tools Firefox plug-in.
5. Jump to Data
If you used the URL option, Google will “chunk” out your keywords into smaller groups, but you can navigate them through links:
6. Sort Data
Don’t forget that the Keyword Tool, Google AdWords and Google Analytics tabular data is sortable just like an Excel spreadsheet.
7. Download ALL Keywords, Don’t Build a List
You can click “Add {match type}” to build a list of the keywords you want, but this won’t keep your search volume data. So make sure you’re looking at the data you want to keep (the columns that are relevant), then click download {option} (text, .CSV):
Then delete the keywords you don’t want from there. For this reason, I suggest keeping your keyword lists tightly focused so they’re easier to work with and make decisions from, rather than every single keyword that might apply to your site (choose a category or a line of products). You could paste the data into one big spreadsheet if you want (a worksheet for every group of keywords). If you know of a more efficient way, please leave us a comment.
Applying Keyword Research
Now we’re ready to apply this data to various marketing activities. These are just examples, not exhaustive applications for each activity.
If you’re researching for PPC and you sort by advertiser competition (click twice to get low-high), you may spot a decent volume keyword that’s relatively cheap, like “learning express toys.” If you don’t carry that product (and you don’t because it’s a competing toy store), you’ll want to make sure you add “express” to your negative keyword list (if you use broad match).
Come back tomorrow, we’ll cover negative keyword research in more depth.
SEO and Site Usability
Sometimes there are two ways to describe the same thing. What are customers more likely to think of – “educational toys” or “learning toys”? “Educational games” or “learning games”?
You could take a wild guess, but keyword research will give you better insight. If you sort by “Approx. Average Search Volume” (not last month’s searches but average monthly search), you can compare synonyms:
- Applying keyword research to categorization and navigation labels
In this case, a toy retailer would do well to use “Learning Toys” and “Educational Games” as text links in navigation menus. Not only does it give an SEO boost to those category pages, but also has a better chance of being spotted by a customer who’s scanning the page looking for that keyword she typed in the search engine to get to the site.
If you discover highly searched keywords, you may even create categories or prioritize which links appear in your menus (to keep menus manageable, some retailers will “chunk” menus into 7-9 links, with a “view all” or “more” link to see all categories).
- Applying keyword research to merchandizing zones
Different types of products may spike in different months, so featuring them on your home page at different times of the year makes sense. You also provide the category or product page links a bit of an SEO boost by linking directly from the home page (makes it look more important in search engine’s eyes).
From content on’s home page
Melissa and Doug and V Smile seem to be in-demand brands – why not feature them on the home page, or in the Educational Toys or Learning Toys category? Even if your sales data shows your sales for these brands are low, it may be because you’ve buried them in your site and you’re not attracting SEO or PPC traffic for these terms.
- Applying keyword research to site search
You can also manually tweak your site search to make the hottest brands appear on top (as long as your site search tool allows you).
You should also pay attention to synonyms that you may not have optimized internal site search for. Perhaps you lost 50 sales last month simply because you delivered “0 results found” for “educational games” because your category is called “Learning Games.”
If you use keyword tagging for products (which may create keyword optimized pages in search engines, depending on how you implement), you can tag with synonyms.
- Other Applications
Boost your SEO by creating new content (or blog content), adding keywords to your title tags, or using keywords in “anchor text” for your internal linking and in external link building campaigns. Or use keywords and hot products in your email marketing headlines and offers. If you’re really daring, register keyword domains and redirect to your site (to capture type-in-traffic) or build out niche microsites.
Drive More Traffic by Using Images
Monday, March 07, 2011Here's the trick you need to take to drive more traffic via images:
1. Naming of images as your keywords.
Many people tend to name their images using a simpler name such as 01.jpg, 02.jpg, a.jpg, b.jpg, etc.
Naming with this format is easier but it wouldn’t help in driving traffic. This is because the name of the images cannot act as a keyword when users are conducting image searches. Hence it is recommended to use keyword to name your image instead of the aforesaid format. For instance, if you have an image of a Canon S3000SPX, you should name it something like CanonS3000.jpg instead of 001.jpg.
2. Insert hypen ("-") in between.
You can name your images using as many keywords as you prefer. However, it would be better if you can insert a hyphen in between these keywords. For instance, if you want to include printer in the above example, you can name it as printer-CanonS3000.jpg. Besides that, you should also make sure that you include the ALT data of the images. Enter the information of the ALT data and use important and relevant keywords. There is no restriction on the length of the images’ name.
3. Have better indexed with Enhanced Image Search
The last trick of improving your traffic via images is making use of Google Webmaster tools. Logon to Google Webmaster tools. Choose and use the Enhanced Image Search on the left sidebar. By using Google webmaster tool, it helps to ensure the images have better indexes and improve the appearance frequency in the image search engine of Google.
Try this trick and see whether your traffic improves!
5 Build Your Online Info-Business Common Problem Solved
Sunday, March 06, 20111. Assumptions
Many sites and courses take certain things for granted…like your ability to create a web page, or generate traffic. You need to have some technical savvy in order to follow the "steps". If you've never built a web site before, or have very limited experience, this can be one of the most daunting parts of starting a blog.
2. Overviews
While a how-to may take you step by general step through the basics of setting up a blog or online product page…the steps are usually very broad. You may be told to "design a front page", or "set up a vendor for processing payments". You may not, however, be told how to do each of these things.
3. DIY (Do-It-Yourself)
You're on your own with the information. If you don't understand a part of it, you can usually submit questions, but there's not a "go to" resource for figuring out part of the process. Many e-course designers or marketers are more than happy to help…to a degree…but don't have mechanisms built in for very involved technical help. At times, you may even be referred to alternative courses designed to help you complete these steps. Who wants to spend even more money when the course was supposed to be step by step?
4. Task Volume
There's just A LOT to do when starting an e-business from scratch. How do you prioritize?
5. Ambiguous Expectations
There are so many variables involved…it's hard to know how or when to expect any income. Let’s face it…we're not doing this for our health. When will you get paid? How do you plan for income from something so new to you?
The "Income Blogging Guide" is the Solution!
We've created this guide as a solution to the problems most people have when starting an online info business from scratch. Step by step by step.
Okay, but why the 3rd "by step"? Good question.
You see, in each of the problems above, the problem lies in incomplete information. A step by step approach is great, if you know how to perform each of the steps. What happens when you don't? You need another "by step" for each of the steps you may struggle with.
How are you supposed to follow the gurus when one tells you "You need a niche" and the next one says, "Build a list"? Another says, "Create and sell your own products", and the next says "Sell other peoples' products".
"Learn SEO and PPC…"
"Give away something for free..."
"Build a relationship with your customers…"
"Optimize your blog…"
"Use plug-ins…"
"Content is king…write everyday…"
"Use the best keywords…"
Blah, blah, blah ...
There is a lot of confusing information out there. Chances are, you already know how to do some of these things, but need help on others.
Know how to find a great market niche and write a successful blog? Great, you don't need the steps within each of these components. Know how to design the web page and overcome technical difficulties? No? No problem, we have a deeper level of instruction for that!
Step by step by step!!
The Income Blogging Guide is here to show you how to make it work… Find out here!
Killer Income From Blogging. Awesome Free Guide!
Saturday, February 26, 2011And it's all clearly explained in a step-by-step approach with screen shots and videos. You simply cannot go wrong.
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If you want to discover:
- The 2-step process you need to choose a proven money-making niche...get it wrong and you'll never make any money
- The 3 golden rules of keyword analysis...get one rule wrong and ALL your future efforts are wasted.
- The exact step-by-step methods to find the best domain name for your blog ...99% of bloggers miss this crucial "Search Engine Optimization" step
- How to install WordPress in under 1 minute (as long as you choose the right hosting company)
- Step-by-step guides and images of each 'must-have' plugin you must install on your blog (plus all the tweaks necessary - it is not just a matter of installing)
- The 2 steps you need to take to get Google to index your blog...and don't believe all the hype...they take no more than 10 minutes to complete
- Don't be one of those blog owners whose blog is 'hacked...follow these 6 tasks that keep 99% of hackers at bay
- How to add pages, posts and images the right way, to pick up Google "link-juice" and without being penalised for duplicate content
- To launch your blog, what's the optimum number of blog posts you should have? The answer may surprise you.
- How to write blogs posts so that your visitors think "I like this person, they know what they are talking about. I wonder what else they have to say" ...and return time and time again
- How to write a good title for a blog post and why "Here are the top 20 tips for XXXX" is a no-no.
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- How to split your working day into the 3 crucial elements of making money via blogging
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Then grab the free guide by clicking here and welcome to the successful Internet Business Club:

Killer Income From Blogging!.. Awesome Free Guide
Search Engine Optimization For Websites
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Search engine optimization or SEO is a combination of techniques, tools and methods used by internet marketers to improve the rank of web pages on search engine results pages, also called SERP's. A website's rank on SERP's is based on information gathered by the engine's spider crawlers. Understanding what the crawlers look for and making web pages attractive to these crawlers will lead to successful SEO.
Although crawlers have decreased the importance of keywords over the years, they are still the foundation of effective optimization. Research keywords and choose the most appropriate for your topic or hire a keyword research service to do this for you. Include keywords in the sites URL when possible. Title tags, description tags and the first paragraph of text are good locations for keywords as well.
Links are a high priority with search engines. Internal links, those within a site, are mildly attractive to the crawlers, as are reciprocating links. Two sites that agree to link to each other do so with reciprocating links. To have any credibility with search engines, these links must be between sites with similar content.
Spider crawlers favorites are one-way, incoming links. Obtaining links from strong sites with quality content and high traffic counts will improve a pages rank on SERP's. Create links from within the text of your pages. When linking, use keywords in the anchor text.
Off-page SEO techniques are highly effective for improving search engine rank. Become a frequent contributor to blogs and forums and always include a link to your pages when doing so. There are many opportunities on the internet to write articles. Take advantage of these with topics related to your web page and, of course, link back to your site each time you do.
Social media sites where you connect to friends, groups and communities create excellent SEO opportunities. Include keywords in profiles, captions for pictures and within the text you post. Most of these sites allow you to list URL's to web pages you are involved with. Social media sites typically have powerful search engines and create avenues for you to communicate with members based on information they have provided in their profile.
There are many ways to make your website more attractive to search engines. The techniques mentioned here should be considered as basic knowledge. Internet marketing is a process of attracting visitors to your pages, informing them about your products or services and converting them from visitor to customer. Good optimization techniques will help you conquer the first step in this process.
SEO Resources
SEO Company
Web SEO Master Website Designers, Development, Web Programming, Developers and Search Engine Optimization Marketing Webmasters and World Wide Web Mastery.
Author: solveforce
The Best Free XML Sitemap Generator
Thursday, February 24, 2011This Hubpage will take a look at what I believe to be the best free online XML sitemap generator, once your XML sitemap has been completed and downloaded you should upload it manually to your websites database and then submit the relevant page URL to each of the major websites, for instructions on how to do so visit the Hubpage How To Submit Your XML Sitemap To Google, Bing, Yahoo & Ask (not yet written though, hyperlink coming soon). Why do this? It will instruct these search engines to crawl your pages, encouraging the indexing of more of your content. This can take several days but ultimately it will result in more of your pages indexing, it will also give the spiders a good idea about where to go next time it stumbles across your site. It is called a site map after all, consider it a map of your site to help the spiders know where to crawl.
Get A Free XML Sitemap
I have wasted many an hour downloading and installing desktop site map generators, or registering to browser based site map generators, only to find that they only map the first 500 pages of your site. They will probably be great for your brand new and largely undeveloped Wordpress blog or a micro-site, but I am shooting big with and intend to far exceed 5000 pages; my latest sitemap has already found almost 2000 to map out. My problem has been answered, for now, by the website which maps out up to 5000 pages for each of your websites, making it suitable for all but the largest of sites. It gets better too, as it allows you to log out as soon as you have requested the site map and then emails you to inform you when it has finished. Generally this will be a few hours later, subject to demand at the time of your request. Once you recieve the email you simply login to the site, download your xml sitemap, upload it to your database, and then submit the link to Google, Bing, Yahoo & Ask.
Author: Ryankett
110+ website traffic tools launched
Wednesday, February 23, 2011Get its free-trial from Existing members Log on to & download KeywordCountry 9 (beta)
What is new in KeywordCountry 9 Beta:
- Packed with powerful set of marketing tools
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Advanced keyword analysis like:
- Improved keyword research
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- and more...
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- and more...
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- and more....
The all new KC consists of improved and better tools for an ultimate Internet Marketing campaign. You can easily get a huge business boost with KC’s new avatar called KC9.
Your success is guaranteed with the new KC 9 (beta). You cant afford to miss it because if you do, you are likely to be left far behind your competitors.
Get its free-trial from Existing members Log on to & download KeywordCountry 9 (beta)
Source: Intenet Business Club
Klub Bisnis Internet Mr.Action Club
Friday, March 19, 2010Tujuan utama Klub Bisnis Intenet Mr.Action Club ini adalah setelah anda lulus program pelatihan ini adalah anda akan terbiasa melakukan action yang lebih nyata dan terarah. Anda akan mampu menghasilkan income yang lebih tinggi, dan tentu saja kehidupan yang lebih baik dibanding posisi anda satu tahun sebelumnya.
Di dalamnya berisi semua ilmu efektif untuk menjalankan bisnis online. Materi yang tuangkan di seluruh bagian pelatihan ini dengan bahasa yang jelas, ringkas, dan mudah dipraktekkan. Bahkan walaupun anda masih baru di bidang ini, anda akan bisa ikuti dengan baik.
Dengan bergabung di klub ini, anda bisa :
- Memiliki mentor (Mr.Action) yang akan mengarahkan visi anda jauh ke depan sehingga pondasi bisnis jauh lebih kokoh dan tidak mudah goyah.
- Mengikuti program pelatihan bisnis yang akan membantu anda langsung action tanpa perlu menebak-nebak langkah anda terlebih dahulu.
- Mendapatkan satu sumber ilmu yang akan meyediakan segala yang anda butuhkan dan terpadu satu sama lain.
- Memiliki satu sistem yang memungkinkan anda belajar sambil mendapat hasil sesegera mungkin untuk menutupi biaya bisnis anda.
- Memiliki satu sistem yang memberikan income secara menerus tanpa henti dari sekali usaha promosi anda.
Silakan bergabung...