But writing PPC ads can be tough. For one thing, you don’t have a lot of space, so every word has to be powerful and lead prospects to take the desired action – to click on your ad.
PPC ads are sort of like the classified ads you see in the newspaper. They’re short and to the point. Your PPC ad needs to tell enough to generate a click – that’s it. That’s the whole function of your ad, just to get the click. Don’t try to sell in the ad – that’s the job of your website.
The following guidelines, although directed at writing ads for Google’s AdWords, are applicable for most all PPC ads, such as Yahoo and others.
With AdWords, you get a total of 4 lines of text:
- Title – 25 characters maximum (spaces count too)
- First Text Line – 35 characters maximum
- Second Text Line – 35 characters maximum
- Display URL – 35 characters maximum
This is the most important part of your PPC ad. It must instantly grab the viewer’s attention and get him to read the rest of your ad. In essence, the title is an ad for your ad. Try to include your keyword in the title and it will show up in bold letters, drawing further attention.
Use powerful words in your title, like ‘Discover’ instead of ‘learn’, or ‘Revealed’ instead of ‘show’. Remember, you only have 25 characters, so make each word count.
An easy way to get started is to write your title without size constraints – just say what you want to say. Then work on shortening it down to the size allowed. Although writing a compelling title may seem like a major effort, it is the most important part of your ad, so take whatever time you need to get it right.
First Text Line
Use this line to show your most powerful benefit and make it appealing at the emotional level.
As an example, if you’re selling a weight loss product for men, you’d play up the angle that his new look will enable him to attract lots of beautiful women. He’ll have more dates than he can handle.
Second Text Line
Here, you’ll present another benefit of your product, but you’ll appeal to your prospect’s logical side. Show him how the health benefits of your weight loss product will help him to feel better or live longer or be able to wear the latest styles. Essentially, you’re giving him the logical reasons to purchase your product.
Display URL
The display URL is valuable space that’s routinely ignored by PPC advertisers. Although many marketers don’t think of the display URL as an actual part of the ad, it can and should be used as an active part of your overall ‘call to action’.
Instead of ‘weightloss.com’, use ‘WeightLoss.com/FastTrackSuccess’ or something similar.
Capitalize the individual words in the URL to make them stand out and create a landing page with a descriptive and desirable name. If you can put your keyword in the display URL, so much the better.
The point here is that you can use the display URL to further draw attention to your ad and get more clicks.
Sometimes, less really is more –
Many people conclude that the small amount of space available for PPC ads is a serious impediment to success. However, consider this – If you were advertising your weight loss product in a health magazine and your competition is a big company with a huge budget, your little ad would be overshadowed by your competitor’s full page color ad. However, with PPC ads, everybody gets the same amount of space, so your creativity can go a long way in stomping your less imaginative competitors.
Carson Danfield is an "Under the Radar" Internet Entrepreneur who's been quietly selling various products for the last 8 years. Although you've probably never heard of him. there's a good chance you've visited his websites in the past and even purchased some of his products.
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