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Earns Adsense by RSS Feed

A simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings to track via your regular feed reader. This is a rather simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings, making it easy to track them via your regular feed reader.

Current version: 1.1 (24 april 2006)


Multiply your income by 10 ! Become a 6 figure blogger ! No, just kidding :) There are no feature this time, except that you can specify how many feed items (i.e. days) you want to have.


* rss-adsense.php
(colorized html, copy & paste into a blank file but don’t download it : it’s
colorized html, not code :)

* rss-adsense.txt (right click & save as .php)

Edit the script, and modify 4 lines at its beginning to suit your needs. Basically, you have to enter your Adsense login, password, the range of days you want to aggregate and a path to a temporary cookie file you shouldn’t even need to modify.


Upload the script to some secret location on your server, or rename it to some secret filename. Why secret ? Just because you don’t want anybody to see how much (or how few) you earn, and also because it is against Adsense Terms of Use to publicly display your Adsense results.

If you add it on a web-based RSS reader (Bloglines for example), be sure to mark it private.

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