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Are you keeping an Adsense Journal?

That you have to blend your ads into your website is a pretty open secret. There are lots of different techniques that you can use to do and they’re being revealed all the time. All you have to do is to find the strategies that work best for you.

And that, I think, is the biggest AdSense secret — or at least, the one that most people just zip right past.

Yes, they optimize their ads and they follow their stats and they bring in traffic and they produce high quality content.

But half the time, they’ve got no idea what exactly each change they’re making is doing to their CTR or their revenues.

That’s because they don’t keep an AdSense journal.

I know... you probably haven’t kept a journal since you were forced to do it in fifth grade. But when I created AdSense Buddy, the element that I was most proud of was the in-built journal. It just makes it so easy to follow what you’re doing.

You don’t have to use the AdSense Buddy if you don’t want to. (Although you certainly should — it’s FREE after all.) But you should definitely be keeping an AdSense journal.

It’s very easy. All you have to do is write down the change that you’ve made, the date you made it and track the result for a week. It’s the only way to know what exactly the effect of any adjustment you make is having, and which are the best strategies for your particular site.

The downside of this though is that you can only make one change at a time. That’s going to slow you down but if you put in more than one change, you can’t be sure which of those strategies is affecting your CTR.

The only way to speed things up is to implement different changes on different websites or web pages at the same time. As long as you have the previous stats for those pages and sites so that you can make comparisons, you should be able to pick up some useful data very quickly.

I don’t know about you but if I were doing that across a dozen or so sites, I’d have trouble remembering which changes I made where. It just underlines the importance of using a journal. I don’t know how anyone can manage without it.

To download a free tool with a built-in AdSense Journal, go to

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